Team Finland China is delighted to invite all Finnish companies and members of FinnChams to biannual meeting, which will be this time held online.
The afternoon session covers greetings from Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, and Consul Generals Pasi Hellman (Shanghai) and Johanna Karanko (Hong Kong), as well as Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Business outlook and current situation in China is presented by Joerg Wuttke from EUCCC. We also present Team Finland second Flash Survey results in panel consisting of representatives of three Finnish companies: Mr Michael Li, GM, Wärtsila China (Beijing), Mr Seppo Kauppinen, GM, Elematic PC Machinery (Shanghai), and Mr Matias Koski, GM, Immersal (Hong Kong). Panel is moderated by Ms Satu Kalliokulju, Head of Foresight, Business Finland.
Registrations by June 6. Online link will be sent to attendees closer to event.
14.00–14.10 Welcoming remarks by Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, Ambassador of Finland to China and Team Finland China Country Director (10 min)
14.10–14.20 Greetings from Shanghai by Pasi Hellman, Consul General of Finland in Shanghai (10 min)
14.20–14.30 Greetings from Hong Kong by Johanna Karanko, Consul General of Finland in Hong Kong and Macao (10 min)
14.30–14.40 Greetings from the Regional Department, by Arto Haapea, Director, Unit for Eastern Asia and Oceania, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (10 min)
14.40–14.50 TF China priorities and calendar by Hannakaisa Andersson, Team Finland coordinator, Embassy of Finland, Beijing (10 min)
14.50–15.10 Review of Chinese market and Finnish offering & key takeaways from the TF China thematic teams by Marko Tiesmäki, Country Director, Business Finland (20 min)
15.10–15.20 Greetings from FinnChams by Hanna Osara, Executive Director, FinnCham Shanghai (10 min)
15.20–15.30 Break (10 min)
15.30–16.15 Presentation on business outlook and current situation in China by Jörg Wuttke, President, EU Chamber of Commerce in China (presentation 30 min + 15 min Q&A)
16.15-16.55 Panel discussion and Q&A on Team Finland Pulse Survey results (40 min)
Michael Li, General Manager, Solutions Development, Wärtsilä China
Seppo Kauppinen, General Manager and legal representative at Elematic PC Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Shanghai
Matias Koski, General Manager, Global Sales, Immersal
Moderated by Satu Kalliokulju, Head of Foresight, Asia, Business Finland
16.55–17.00 Closing words by Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, Ambassador of Finland to China and Team Finland China Country Director (5 min)