This event has been postponed due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation.
Three Modules Training in Spring 2020 (Members only, in Chinese)
DCCC (the Danish Chamber of Commerce), SwedCham and FBCS are
proud to offer Emerging Leaders/ Culture & Communication Management
Training with some of the leading talent management consulting companies in
Europe & Asia.
The whole program is targeting emerging or middle management staff from our
member companies. Each program has 3 modules, and the 3 modules are
taught in Chinese over 3 months. Each module is a half day training in the
morning. After completing all three modules, the participant will get an official
certificate issued by the chambers and the facilitators.
- February 19: Assertiveness and Accountability Facilitator: CONCHIUS
- March 3: How to Develop the Leader in You Facilitator: BIetBI
- March 25: Managing Expectations and Goals Facilitator: CONCHIUS
- April 8: Working Effectively: Focus on Nordic Cultures Facilitator: Emily Cai
- May 20: Cross Cultural Communication Facilitator: CONCHIUS
- June 9: Effective Communication โ Questioning & Listening Facilitator: BIetBI
For more information about the different modules click here.
There are 25 seats available. The sign up is on an individual basis. Certification is only achieved, when the same person participates in all three modules.
Price for per program (3 modules) including training materials and catering is 3,500 RMB. The Nordic chambers are operating this activity on a non-profit basis. The fee of 3,500.00 RMB is fixed and non-refundable regardless of actually attended modules. If for some reason we have cancellations for specific modules, the extra space will be offered as a stand-alone training session at a price of 1,300 RMB.
Please sign up with details of: name, company, title/occupation and seniority before February 10th2020 at fbcs@fbcs.fi. Please note, that we only launch the 3 module training if 18 or more sign up by February 10th 2020.