This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other FinnCham China Shanghai events.

FinnCham Shanghai is pleased to join Norwegian Business Association (NBA) for co-hosting a webinar with ARC Group on May 25th.

Nordic businesses have a strong commitment in the Greater Chinese and Southeast Asian market in a variety of industries. Despite current challenges related to the Covid-19 pandemic in China, the long-term outlook for China remains positive. Geopolitical challenges also changes the dynamics of cross-border M&A. This Webinar will discuss the opportunities for long-term inorganic growth in Greater China through buy-side, as well as strategic restructuring in China through spin-offs.

As global M&A volumes reached a record USD 5 trillion in 2021, while Chinese outbound volumes has not recovered from 2016 levels, investors are eyeing opportunities in Southeast Asia.

Place: Zoom Link

Registration: This is a free of charge webinar that requires prior registration by May 24th. Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants prior to webinar.

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