Introducing the Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality campaign organised by the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Norwegian Business Association China and FinnCham in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong, and supported by the Danish Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.
Over the recent years, reducing carbon emissions has become the main sustainability issue (both for governments and for companies), globally and in China.
China has set ambitious targets with peak carbon emissions in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060
These targets will have large impact on companies, some of these impacts may be:
In this campaign we are hosting monthly webinars, where we invite expert speakers to provide an overview of relevant policies and initiatives in China and Europe, and industry leaders on implementation in China, providing inspiration and hands-on tools on how to adapt your HQ goals into your Chinese operations, followed by Q&A.
Green Energy for Decarbonizing production in China
Date and time: 16th February 4-5 pm (CN Time)
Venue: Hybrid event - offline at the Royal Danish Embassy and online on Teams
OBS: If you are attending offline, please provide your real name and ID/Passport number in registration
For online participants we will send teams-link one day prior to the event
Program and speakers:
1. Welcome by Anna Yip, Secretary General, DCCC, and Henrik Martens, Head of Denmark's Energy Team in China
2. Erik Kjær, Chief Advisor, Danish Energy Agency: "Green Energy development in Denmark – inspiration for China?"
3. Sharon Feng, Senior Consultant, Azure International: "Green Energy development in China – what to expect?"
4. Amelia Zheng, Novo Nordisk: "Demand for Green Energy in China – Direct Electrification"
5. Yara Fertilizers: "Demand for Green Energy in China – Indirect / Power-to-X"
6. Jingkun Li, Advisor, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP): "Opportunities and challenges in securing green energy supply for large industrial consumers in China"
7. "Power-to-X / Green Ammonia coming up" (TBC)
8. Q&A moderated by Henrik Martens