Webinar: Maneuvering a Company During the Coronavirus
- Insights into the logistics industry in times of great uncertainty as well as how to maneuver a company during the coronavirus
Maneuvering a company during the outbreak of the Cronoavirus is not an easy task, with a lot of uncertainties affecting almost every company in China. In this webinar arranged by FBCS and SwedCham, we will answer some of those uncertainties.
During this webinar Janne Pihlajaniemi General Manager at Tobii will share insights on how to:
- Handle the business in time of crisis?
- What can be done as a company and how to mitigate business impact?
- Where do we go from here with this situation still developing?
Rickard Ingvarsson Asia CEO & Sรธren Gaarden Head of Sales for Greater China from Scan Global logistics will also give insights from the logistics industry in times of great uncertainty.
- Update on current impact of COVID-19 on transports and logistics in China and the region.
- How can you secure a "smoother" process and where to focus.
- What will the future bring? What to expect short and long term.
During the Q&A session, you may ask your most concerned questions.
Tobii is the world leader in terms of overall market share, technology and patent portfolio. With eye tracking as a base, Tobii creates the conditions for new insights into human behavior and intuitive user interfaces.
Scan Global Logistics (SGL) is a leading Nordic freight forwarding- and logistics company with more than 100 offices across all continents. Scan Global Logistics exist to make the world a little less complicated by bringing a human approach to everyone, everywhere.
TIME: February 24, 2020, at 18:00 to 19:00
PRICE: Participation Fee for this event is free for Members and 200RMB for Non-Members.
Please notice that there is no registration via this webpage
(for registration please follow the instructions under the title REGISTRATION).
REGISTRATION: You may register via this link: https://swedcham.eventbank.cn/event/webinar-maneuvering-a-company-during-the-coronavirus-25686/register/?verificationCode=[eventInviteeVerificationCode]&pk_campaign=Webinar%20Invitation&pk_cid=31968&pk_kwd=31968&pk_medium=event-campaign.
Please use the FBCS ticket if you are a member. Once registered, an email will be sent with instructions how to login to the webinar.
ELIGIBILITY: All of the employees of FBCS member companies can participate at our events with Membership privileges (discounted price, access to member only events). Please do not hesitate to forward this event invitation to your colleagues.