According to official announcements, the Chinese government expects the economy to grow around 5% this year. Important economic pillars such as the real estate and construction sectors as well as consumption will have to pick up and show stable growth so that this goal can be achieved; even more so in the view of slowing exports growth.
With the first quarter behind us, where do we stand in terms of economic recovery and what can we expect for the rest of the year? And what does the current growth path mean for foreign companies and where are the opportunities and challenges for investment?
To answer these questions and provide an outlook for the rest of 2023, we are delighted to invite Dr. Ibrahim Chowdhury. He is the Senior Economist for China at the World Bank. In his presentation, Dr. Chowdhury will reflect on recent economic developments, policy responses, the short and longer-term outlook and the risks to the outlook, based on the World Bank's newest growth projections.
It is also our pleasure to have with us Dr. Huang Yi. He is a Professor of Finance at Fudan University in Shanghai. Dr. Huang will provide a financial overview of China's economy and elaborate on current challenges and future opportunities in the second largest economy in the world.
This event is mainly orgnized by SwissCham Shanghai. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join.
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