For Finnish companies operating in China, especially for those SMEs, how such new DATA laws would affect Finnish businesses in China? And how Finnish companies should do to with it?
You can go out without wallet but not your cell phone, this is true in most developed economies under the current digital world. Under such backdrop, personal information/privacy protection has also been strictly regulated by the Chinese government now, especially in the scenario of cross-border data transfer.
Should you have any of the following questions, you are very welcome to join us for the upcoming offline seminar at West Bund of Xuhui this Thursday (March 30) on 3pm to 6pm. The privacy compliance and IT experts will be able to answer all the questions that you need to know.
1. 外企若涉及个人信息保护不合规将面临何种法律后果?
What would be the legal consequences of FIEs' non-compliance?
2. 芬兰中小企业(50人以下)是否需要做数据合规准备?
Should Finnish SMEs (with less than 50 employees) need to take measures for compliance with new laws?
3. 2月22日出台的《个人信息出境标准合同办法》将于今年6月1日生效,我们应当如何理解文中给到企业6个月的整改期?
Measures on Standard Contract for Cross-border Transfers of Personal Information ("Measures" issued on February 22nd, 2023) will take effect from June 1 this year, how should Finnish FIEs interpret and be compliant within the Rectification Period given by the Measures?
4. 作为业务涉及个人信息出境(员工及/或客户)的外资企业应当采取什么合规成本最低的方式实现数据跨境流动的合规?
Being the FIEs involves in Cross-border Personal Information Transfer, what would be the most cost-effective way to realize compliance?
The seminar on March 30 shall be free of charge for FinnCham Shanghai members. We look forward to seeing you all this coming Thursday.
Lan Zhang, Director, Longhua Subdistrict, Xuhui District ;
Ville Lintervo, Executive Director - Finncham Shanghai ;
Esther Shang,Product Manager , China Everbright Bank, Shanghai Branch ;
Bruce Chen, PKF (Shanghai) Consulting.
Part I Outbound Data Transfer Compliance Requirements & Solutions
‒ PRC’s new legal requirements on cross-border data transfer
‒ Legal impact on Foreign-invested Enterprises (FIEs)’s operation in China
‒ Potential compliant solution analysis
‒ Discussion on GDPR vs PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law of PRC) comparison
Speakers: Bruce Chen and Matteo Cicero from PKF China
Part II - Cross-border Transfer Case Study
‒ Data Cross-border Transfer Planning, Landing & implementation
‒ Cyber Security
‒ Data Mapping and Setup
‒ Case sharing
Patrick (Peng) Yu from JOTO Tech & Consulting
This is for members attending in-person. Ticket includes snacks and refeshements
This is for non-members attending in-person. Ticket includes snacks and refeshements