This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other FinnCham China Shanghai events.

Buildings in China are expensive especially in big cities. For many companies real estate related expenses in China are far more substantial than in other markets around the world. And with the real estate industry contributing about 28% to China's yearly GDP it is an absolutely vital industry for the health of China's overall economy, employment rate etc.

Recent government measures that were aimed at controlling and stabilizing the industry have led to many developers being now at the brink of bankruptcy, banks facing liquidity issues and international bond payments being missed. Yet billions of USD keep flowing into the industry from all over the world.

To address the above topics and to find out what is to be expected for the construction and real estate industries in China in the coming months, we are happy to have Bjarne Bauer of NAI Sofia Group as our speaker.

Join us to hear the latest developments in the dynamic real estate and construction industries.


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