Customs Intellectual Property Protection in China (in Chinese)
For IP owners, IP protection through customs is an efficient way to prevent unauthorized use of IP right, as well as unauthorized import/export of relevant products. In this presentation, Erex Chen will share his experience and knowledge on China's customs protection system, particularly several issues regarding customs enforcement. In addition, Erex Chen will discuss some disputed cases which are commonly found in customs practice relating to IP infringement.
PRICE: This event is free of charge for FBCS Working Group members.
REGISTRATION: Registration is required to confirm a seat. You may register by replying to fbcs@fbcs.fi until Wednesday, October 10, 2018 or as long as there are seats available. Registration is binding and no-shows will be charged RMB 200 unless cancelled before the end-of-day of the final registration date.
ELIGIBILITY: All of the employees of FBCS member companies are eligible to join the HR Group, the Finance&Legal and/or the Sales&Marketing Group by contacting us at fbcs@fbcs.fi. Please do not hesitate to forward this event invitation to your colleagues.